
Vibrasil Balmuka Party 2018

Cargo Gallery Hot Summer Parties

Summer is here… and you know what? There´s an open-air summer party ahead. And what is even better than an open-air summer party? Boat party!

And where do we go? To Prague Cargo Gallery! There will be some great open air boat parties held in August. We look forward to seeing you all during the weekend of 10th to 12th August 2018 at SUMMER TROPICAL BEATS and there´s even more! The next Saturday, August 18th, we will ejnoy MEGA LATINO PARTY together. There´s a huge amount of energy and dance ahead of us, bunch of dancers, and great parties are waiting for us. So … have a few more days of sleep before it all starts to be ready! Looking forward to all of you!

FB event SUMMER TROPICAL BEATS 10th-12th August

FB event MEGA LATINO PARTY Saturday 18th August


balumuka party 2018 summer tropical beats   Vibrasil Balmuka Party 2018   balumuka party 2018 mega latino party